Jun 15, 2010
I guess we should have posted this a bit ago but WE"RE MOVING!!! We found a dope new office space in downtown La Mesa, CA. It's 3X bigger than our current office, 3X better location and 3X more bitchin. We have about one week left before we unplug here and plug in there. Click on the thumbnail to see our build progress. We'll be moved into our new La Mesa office on 6/21.
There were so many walls that had to go. Demolition Stage 05/05/10
Framing Stage and Demolition - 05/14/10
More Framing, Demolition and Electrical - 05/30/10
Our new front door and someone's sweet PT Bruiser with moon hub caps {sic}
Fax and Printer Station
The dry-walling begins - 06/04/10
From the designer bull pen area
Reception area. And more dry wall - 06/07/10
Facing the opening to the conference room.
Main hall way.
Standing in the reception area
...and more dry wall - 06/09/10
Looking out of the conference room towards the designer bullpens.
Display wall
Dan's office door on the right, main hall way on the left
Receptionist desk
Looking down 2nd hall way
Looking out from Hill's office towards staircase
All the mud has been set and we are ready to paint. The only way you're going to see the final product, is if you come down and see us. See you all soon. We're all excited to move into our new digs. - 06/09/10