Sep 22, 2010
Yae.. We're on Facebook. Woohoo. :(
So the darkside has finally taken over. We are now on Facebook and as you can see we are extatic!!! Yae... Check us out. We'll be updating our Facebook profile a little more frequent than our website. It's just easier. Plus, as you can see our leo-tards are just fantastical.
Aug 26, 2010
Lucky us... Since we moved our office, we've been fortunate enough to enjoy some dope, old school cars outside our office windows all Summer long. Since this is the last week they are holding the Classic Car show in La Mesa, we decided to go down and snap some pics. I think I had to wipe the drool from my mouth a few times. Some of these cars are off the hook.
Aug 19, 2010
Well, we finally made it out to Vegas for the Magic Tradeshow. It was a quick and dirty trip but fun none-the-less. We hooked up with some of our clients from Famous, Grenade and Untamed Ind. So much to look at... Here's some of what we saw.
Grafitti has gone digital
All real wood sunglasses
You really shouldn't smoke. Makes your teeth yellow
Phat Rims. Ya, with a "PH"
Hmmm... That logo looks familiar. Just can't remember where I've seen that before?
You guys don't intimidate me... Want some of dis?
Less talk, more dance...
Mom, why do you lie to me???
"Ow.. ow..Ow..Ohh.. Ow... Ow..."
This is WAR (MX)
Aug 13, 2010
ASR has come to San Diego and went. Here are some pics from one our yearly events.
Jul 21, 2010
Comicon 2010 is back and we decided to make another visit. It's crazy how this tradeshow cannot ever get old. You walk from one booth to another and inbetween that 2 foot walk you are hit with a hundred different cool visuals. On top of that, everything is the best of the best. Amazing art and a good time in general. Visual overload. Just make sure you don't get your eye poked out in the process. ;)
Sgt. Slaughter?!? Hell ya!
No wonder why Cobra always lost