
SIA 2011

Jan 27, 2011

SIA again suckas...

It's a brand, spanking new year and we did it again. We managed to scrape out another quick and dirty trip out to Colorado. Our ultimate destination was the SIA show in Denver. We decided to get out there a day early and hit up some of the snow at Breckenridge. We did some poaching at Loveland Pass the day we showed up. The rest of the trip went as smoothly as possible (if you consider late nights, hectic travel schedules and alot of booze). Anyways, the show was great as always and the trip was another success. Take a look at some of what we got into. Thanks Denver! (Thanks for the hangovers...)

PBR. Mmmm.. Tasty...

PBR. Mmmm.. Tasty...

Dan and Adam (Intern) showing off their matching pants

Dan and Adam (Intern) showing off their matching pants

Tyson's design for Lamar's new girl board

Tyson's design for Lamar's new girl board

News_image 000675.jpgAdam (Intern) found someone else wearing his pants at the tradeshow

Adam (Intern) found someone else wearing his pants at the tradeshow

News_image 000677.jpgNews_image 000678.jpgNews_image 000679.jpgNews_image 000680.jpgNews_image 000681.jpgNews_image 000682.jpgCan't... Stop... Staring... Make it stop!!!

Can't... Stop... Staring... Make it stop!!!

OG Burton board designs

OG Burton board designs

News_image 000685.jpgRossignol pulling out all the stops on their board designs

Rossignol pulling out all the stops on their board designs

News_image 000687.jpgMore Soup designs for Lamar

More Soup designs for Lamar

John tagged along for this trip. He kept finding odd places to put his finger

John tagged along for this trip. He kept finding odd places to put his finger

News_image 000690.jpgNews_image 000691.jpgTyson found out that Burton turned his work boots into riding boots

Tyson found out that Burton turned his work boots into riding boots

News_image 000693.jpgNews_image 000694.jpgNews_image 000695.jpgJohn! Knock that off!

John! Knock that off!

Brandon found his happy place

Brandon found his happy place

News_image 000698.jpgOG Palmer board designs

OG Palmer board designs

News_image 000700.jpgMore Soup designs for Lamar

More Soup designs for Lamar

News_image 000702.jpgHey Ladies.....

Hey Ladies.....

News_image 000704.jpgFlow Snowboards Scotty Lago Pro Model - Soup designed

Flow Snowboards Scotty Lago Pro Model - Soup designed

News_image 000706.jpgFlow Snowboards - Soup Designed

Flow Snowboards - Soup Designed

Flow Snowboards - Soup Designed

Flow Snowboards - Soup Designed

Red Rocks Amplitheater

Red Rocks Amplitheater

Everclear makes for good kindling.

Everclear makes for good kindling.

News_image 000711.jpgNews_image 000712.jpgThe Soup crew just about to drop into Loveland Pass

The Soup crew just about to drop into Loveland Pass

News_image 000714.jpgNews_image 000715.jpgNews_image 000716.jpgNews_image 000717.jpgDan going nowhere fast

Dan going nowhere fast

News_image 000719.jpgNews_image 000720.jpgChug! Chug! Chug!

Chug! Chug! Chug!

News_image 000722.jpgNews_image 000723.jpgNews_image 000724.jpgNews_image 000725.jpgNews_image 000726.jpgNews_image 000727.jpgNews_image 000728.jpgNews_image 000729.jpgFlow Snowboards Binding Graphics - Soup Designed

Flow Snowboards Binding Graphics - Soup Designed

News_image 000731.jpgNews_image 000732.jpgThe Slasher

The Slasher

News_image 000734.jpgNews_image 000735.jpgNews_image 000736.jpgNews_image 000737.jpgNews_image 000738.jpgNews_image 000739.jpgNews_image 000740.jpgNews_image 000741.jpgNews_image 000742.jpgNews_image 000743.jpgNews_image 000744.jpgOur excess beer supply went to a good cause

Our excess beer supply went to a good cause



Desert Pig Roast

Nike Headquarters

Agenda Tradeshow

Comic-Con S.D.

L.A. Field Trip